School Governance

Our school is governed by a 16-member Governing Council that works together with the principal to help set and monitor directions. Governing Council members

  • set the broad strategic direction and vision of the school
  • determine policies for the safety, welfare and discipline of the students
  • regularly review the budget of the school
  • raise money for school related purposes
  • provide an Out of School Hours (OSHC) service
  • support out of school hours sport programs
  • report to the school community and the Minister for Education

Site leaders work with governing councils to:

  • give educational leadership
  • carry out the site’s policies
  • carry out the site improvement plan.

The Governing Council meet twice a term to report on activities within each of the following sub-committees:

Finance, OHSC, Strategy & Assets, Parents and Friends (fundraising) and After-school sports.

Our current directions focus on Wellbeing for Learning – ‘when we focus on wellbeing for learning we acknowledge that we are teaching children, not subjects. We prioritise wellbeing with the knowledge that without wellbeing children are not able to effectively engage in their learning’ and Innovation for Learning – ‘When we focus on innovation for learning we acknowledge that we are creating learning environments that meet the needs of all learners.’

Read the full 2020-2022 Strategic Plan on our Publications page.

All parents and caregivers are welcome to attend and contribute to the Governing Council meetings, however, only elected members may vote on motions.

To find out more about the role of governing councils in schools visit

Contact the chairperson at

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