Our school consisting of several main buildings.
Torrens Buliding
This two-storey building is home to our front office, leadership and wellbeing offices, a staffroom and 11 classrooms.
Gorge Building
This single-storey building is home to our school library, literacy and EALD support spaces, staff room and 7 classrooms.
The Studio is home to our primary science lessons and doubles as our OSHC space for before school, after school and vacation care sessions.
We also have two older transportable building on site.
Triple Transportable
This building, adjacent Springfield Road, is a multipurpose space that provides some storage space, is a meeting/maker space for our Verde students and has a room used for our instrumental music instructors and school band rehearsal space.
Safe Place
Safe Place is in the single transportable building and further supports the wellbeing needs of students by being a safe place to discuss conflict or bullying issues with wellbeing staff. Our weekly toast club operates from this space.
Hiring School Facilities
School facilities may be hired by external organisations.
You can find out more about hiring Department for Education facilities here Community use of school or preschool facilities (education.sa.gov.au). You are also welcome to enquire through our front office.
In the event of any concerns caused by weekend hirers please contact SAPOL for immediate out of hour’s concerns and advise the school so that we can redirect your complaint to the organiser of the event and reconsider any future agreements.
We endeavour to share information on these events in advance on our Facebook page (link to https//www.facebook.com/athelstoneschool); however, this may not always be the case.